Nourish Lab London

Nourish Lab London is a community-based cookery project that empowers people to create nourishing, healthy, affordable plant-based meals for themselves and their families and friends.
Plant-based cooking is for everyone, it has the power to transform, help us be healthier, reduce waste and reduce our food bills. The biggest obstacle is often the cookery skills and this is what we are all about – providing those cookery skills to our communities through
workshops in a welcoming, friendly environment.

We want everyone to feel supported on
their journey to confidently creating nourishing plant-based meals.

The idea for Nourish Lab London came while our founder Iva was working as a plant based chef for over 14 years and found
her real calling when she started running community-based workshops in south London, teaching local people cooking skills, zero waste techniques, eating with seasons, baking, budgeting while including more whole foods into daily cooking, so they could create nourishing meals themselves. In partnership with The Platform Cafe and the
collaboration with various community projects meant that we could provide the workshops since April 2023 for the local South London community.
The feedback from people attending the workshops was incredible; not only
were the workshops giving them confidence and skills for cooking at home, but they really benefited from attending the workshops which in themselves are a nourishing environment where everyone is supported.


For collaborations, partnerships, or to hire privatley or for a team building/ experience for your oganisation

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